
Tanglewood Neighborhood Infrastructure Preservation Project

Exciting news for the Tanglewood community. MoDot is working on a street infrastructure preservation project within the community. The work was pushed back from July to end of August per a recent update from the county. The project will take 4-6 weeks to complete and is highly dependent on the weather. Work hours will be between 7am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. The scope of work for this project is to improve the pavement condition which is currently rated a fair to poor. This rating meets the criteria for the Neighborhood Roadway Preservation using full-depth patching followed by hot mix asphalt overlay.

The project work plan includes: (1) Conduct survey (2) Isolated concrete repairs (3) Full depth patching (4) Pavement milling (5) Utility adjustments (6) Paving with hot mix asphalt (7) Replace roadway lane markings.

Impacts: (1) The project will be completed in July and is expected to take 4-6 weeks to complete depending on weather. (2) Continuous traffic will be maintained at all times. (3) There will be temporary lane closures and parking restrictions. (4) Signs will be posted identifying restrictions. (5) Access to ALL residential area will be available however you may experience delays.

Should your vehicles be towed: Please call the non-emergency police number at 301-279-8000. DO NOT call the Tanglewood Homeowners Recreational Association as we will not be able to help you.